Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Joy to the world

And it came to pass in those days that the malls began decking their halls with more than holly, and the ceasars of commerce declared that all the world should spend freely. Christmas is here again, my favourite holiday of the year. As commercialised and secular as it has begun, all the red, gold, green and snow of Christmas always conjures up such festive and nostalgic feelings within me. I've always wanted to spend Christmas in a cosy armchair next to a crackling fire on the hearth, while outside my quaint cottage snow falls gently, and church bells chime. An impossibly romantic picture drawn from Disney and Hallmark, but I still yearn for it every time this season rolls around.

This is my second and last Christmas spent while in NS. This time next year I shall be out of the grasp of this wretched organisation, and perhaps I shall then spend Christmas overseas in some snow clad country. I've always wanted to go back to Switzerland. But my mom says you shouldn't return to the same place as the feeling's always different, and I agree with her. But it's been so long. I was P6 then. I wouldn't mind Italy though. In fact I wouldn't mind any place in Europe. I just want to get out of this country. It's NS. It's always NS, getting to me. The army has become my favourite whipping boy. If I could blame every bad thing that happens to me on it, I would. In fact in most cases, I do.

Ah nevermind. Here's to my next Christmas, and better days ahead. Joy to the world.

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